Saturday, July 11, 2009

First Lady touts $875 clutch, or is it a $6,000 alligator manila clutch?

While the First Lady poses for country-style photo ops in the White House vegetable garden, she totes around what the WH claims is an $875 VBH patent leather clutch while on a casual stroll in Russia [see photo]. However, Italian luxury goods manufacturer VBH vaunted publicly that the First Lady was in possession of their $5,950 alligator manila clutch, according to NY Daily News. The White House denied the VBH claim, stating that the First Lady was carrying the $875 VBH patent leather clutch -- like there's really any difference in a depression.

Even after the WH made the bag denial, a VBH rep insisted the bag was their $5,950 alligator manila clutch. “It’s definitely ours,” she said. But curiously the rep later backed off. "If that's what the White House is saying, then it's a patent bag," said VBH rep Kelly Vitko.

That's called damage control.

Washington elites have never represented the people they are elected to serve -- that vision is merely an obligatory and playful facade. The elite represent the elite. British Royalty and their historical paradigms are alive and well in the White House, whose inhabitants live an imperial lifestyle funded by the taxpayer.

Also See: First Lady requires more than 20 attendants

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