Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ending the Federal Reserve should be the collective goal of all Americans

Whatever preconceived notions and beliefs you may harbor about gold salesman, there's no disputing the truth and wisdom in the following article written by Darryl Robert Schoon, who, like Ron Paul, understands the absolute necessity to abolish, once and for all, The Federal Reserve System.


Economic cycles of expansion and contraction are the inevitable result of central bank credit flows. So, too, are deflationary depressions and hyperinflations. Though far less frequent, the destruction caused by deflationary depressions and hyperinflations more than make up for their infrequency; and, today, after perhaps the longest absence of each in recent history, we are now about to experience both—perhaps this time in tandem.

This will not be just a deflationary depression, it will be deflationary depression accompanied by a monetary crisis of epic proportions. The sudden on-set and virulence of the current economic crisis caught economists and central bankers by surprise. Having successfully dismissed those who disagreed with the spread of central banking and its illegitimate off-spring, fiat money, central bankers and economists were stunned when their world of paper money suddenly collapsed in 2007. Were it not for the unprecedented flood of government aid in 2008, private bankers would have been swept away just as they were in the 1930s. But, instead, private bankers were rescued with public funds, funds which allowed them to quickly return to their avocation of profiting from the indebting of others.


Words of advice from The Banker’s Handbook. Modern banking is essentially a Ponzi-scheme on a global scale. Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi-scheme was but a smaller, private version of the public model used in the world today. What people do not understand is that bankers loan money which doesn’t exist and then receive compounding interest and repayment of previously non-existent funds in return.

While this might be considered an abomination and nightmare, it is a wet-dream for bankers and those who profit from such a system. Charging interest on the loaning of gold and silver was believed to be a sin during the Middle Ages, but, today, the charging of interest on the loaning of money that didn’t previously exist and the receiving of the previously non-existent principal back plus interest is considered nothing less than a miracle—at least by the bankers who profit thereby.

The very birth of paper money was conceived in sin. In its genesis, central banking’s paper money was always a fraud. Believed to be backed by equal amounts of gold or silver, in actuality it was never so, no more than were the demand deposits of savers available upon demand in banks.


Modern banking is akin to a shell game. As long as the public doesn’t catch on or the unexpected never happens (as in a banking crisis) the fraud can and does continue. The banking crisis during Great Depression, however, almost brought the banker’s shell game to an end by exposing it for what it was—a shell game. When US depositors rushed to the banks between 1930 and 1933 to withdraw their savings, they found the banks didn’t actually have their money and thousands of banks were forced to close.

This is what happened to Bernie Madoff’s clients when they requested their money en masse in 2008. This was Bernie Madoff’s nightmare. It is also the nightmare of all bankers because—just as with Bernie Madoff—the depositors’ money isn’t really there. When the Great Depression alerted savers to the fact that the banks didn’t actually have their money, bankers and government decided something had to be done to prevent bank runs from occurring in the future.

So, they created the FDIC, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which would maintain a fund composed of bank insurance premiums that would protect depositors against any losses up to a certain proscribed amount. But while Americans now believe their savings are backed by premiums paid into the FDIC fund, no such fund exists; and, although the FDIC regularly reports how much money is in the FDIC fund, the fund itself, like modern economics, is a fraud.

Modern economics, i.e. central banking, is a shell game, a shell game where bankers with the aid of governments have foisted a highly lucrative fraud on society; and, while the fraud of the FDIC fund is egregious, it is no more egregious than the fraud of the Fed or of the economy itself.

In economies based on the fraudulent issuance of money as debt, there are only predators and victims. Bankers are the predators, society is the victim (businessmen are victims who often believe they’re predators) and governments are the well-paid-off referees in the rigged game being played out in today’s capital markets.


This is our salvation. The debasement of our money and our enslavement by bankers into perpetual debt is finally coming to and end; but not because those oppressed realize their plight and are finally revolting. Their slavery is ending because those so enslaved are now so indebted they are unable to pay what they owe and the prison of debt itself is now bankrupt.

Banker’s credit creates constantly compounding debt and; today, so much debt has been created the economy can no longer expand fast enough to service it or pay it back. Homeowners, workers, farmers, business people, corporations and governments are all indebted beyond their means to repay and. when debtors can’t pay what they owe, the shell game of debt-based capitalism collapses—game over.

The Federal Reserve System which substituted debt-based paper money for the gold and silver based money issued previously from the US Treasury is now 96 years old; and, if the US economy continues to decline because of the compounding levels of debt created by the Federal Reserve, the Federal Reserve System itself may be called into question before it reaches its 100 year anniversary.

The end of the Federal Reserve System should be the collective goal of all Americans; for all Americans—black, white and brown, men and women, rich and poor, tea-baggers and tree-huggers, the already born and yet-to-be born—have all been enslaved by the Fed’s substitution of its debt-based money for the gold and silver currency previously issued by the US Treasury.

Today, all Americans collectively owe more than can ever be repaid. America has been delivered into perpetual bondage by the Federal Reserve. It’s about time that changed. The descent into perpetual debt happened on our watch. It is our responsibility to now do something about it. If we owe anything to anyone, we owe this to ourselves and to our children.

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