Sunday, April 29, 2012

U.S. Predator Drones Sanitize Killing on the Cheap

Map of Pakistan
I'm continually amazed by those -- especially democrats who recuse republicans for being war happy -- seemingly oblivious to Obama's intense escalation of war on numerous fronts after campaigning on a bogus antiwar platform. 

Besides signing the bone chilling NDAA into law, since he took office, Nobel Peace Prize winning Obama has intensified killer U.S. drone activity in Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, and Libya (killing thousands of innocent civilians), and has sent US troops to Uganda and other parts of Africa. 

Obama has increased U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan, massing forces on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, continues to maintain 50,000 US troop in Iraq, and has sent US assassination death squads to dozens of areas around the globe.

Steve Lendman reports on Obama's doubling down on its use of air power and drones, which are swiftly becoming the primary focus of Washington’s counterterrorism operations.

Steve Lendman

Predator drones sanitize killing on the cheap compared to manned aircraft and ground troops. Teams of remote warriors work far from, and at times, closer to battlefields.

Drone pilots operate computer keyboards and multiple monitors. Sensor staff work with them. They handle TV and infrared cameras, as well as other high-tech drone sensors. Faceless enemies nearby or half a world away are attacked. Virtual war kills like sport.

At day's end, home-based operators head there for dinner, relaxation, family time, then a good night sleep before another day guiding weapons with joysticks and monitors like computer games.

Dozens of drone command centers operate worldwide. Dozens more are planned. Pentagon and CIA personnel run them. Some are bare bones. Climate-controlled trailers work fine. They operate effectively anywhere. They maintain constant radio contact with command centers. More...

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