Saturday, October 3, 2009

Anti-Obama Billboard on Interstate 70

This is yet another illustration of the blood boiling discontent festering among Americans across the country. The collective citizen anger reaches far beyond Obama to Wall Street oligarchs their Congress lapdogs, and smacks of the atmosphere among the poor Parisians prior to the French Revolution.

A local in Blue Springs, MO. (Kansas City Area) has advertised his feelings towards President Obama by renting a billboard. The billboard is located along I-70 between the Adams Dairy Parkway and the Grain Valley exits. The billboard reads, "How do you like your change now? Obama Nation. They are coming for you! The Taxpayer. First and Second Amendments are in jeopardy. Live free or Die." There is also a hammer and sickle on the sign.

You can bet whoever rented the sign is now on a US Secret Service list. According to a local Kansas city news station, KCTV Channel 5, a pastor who drives by the sign during his daily commute to his church said he lived in England for years and he agreed with the message. "We lived in a socialist society and I guess what I am seeing in America is that we are pushing to some of those ways now," he said. "Especially the hospitalization. It's taken away some of our freedoms as Americans."

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