Friday, October 16, 2009

Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich on War and Lies

"I've noticed in the past few months how the mainstream media have conveniently chosen to ignore discussion or debate on this topic. I remember CNN's Anderson Cooper dedicating a special on discussing the release of Paris Hilton some time ago. 100 Iraqi civilians died in one day last month due to a miscalculated US air strike, and none of them gave a shit.

I remember how all the candidates who unequivocally opposed the war in the last elections were sidelined and at times ridiculed. They were labelled "impractical".

I remember that the guy (Ron Paul) who asked for an immediate pull out of our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan received the largest donations from the military. Maybe, our men and women in the military are also impractical.

This is dedicated to every single life that we have lost in this needless and mindless war. This is my protest to "how things are", and my contribution to change them to "how they ought to be".

We will not be swayed by the Government propaganda and be silenced at the expense of being called unpatriotic'."

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism
- Howard Zinn

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