Thursday, March 4, 2010

Victory! For The Democrat Who Wants Obama Impeached

Richard Connelly
We told you recently about the newest entry into the Hall of Weirdness that is Sugar Land's 22nd Congressional District: Kesha Rogers, a Lyndon LaRouche follower who was running in the Democratic primary by calling for the impeachment of President Obama.

She won. Easily.

Rogers took 52 percent of the 14,300 or so votes cast in the Democratic primary, probably not a few of which came from mischievous cross-over Republicans.

The chances of her beating incumbent Pete Olson in the fall, of course, are as remote as Obama getting impeached anytime soon. Then again, if Olson doesn't get on this ol' impeachment bandwagon soon, Sugar Land might just rebel and send Rogers to Washington, where she no doubt will call for a LaRouchite agenda of investigating the Queen of England for running a drug cartel.

How will the state Democratic treat Rogers?

Not nicely.

"La Rouche members are not Democrats. I guarantee her campaign will not receive a single dollar from anyone on our staff," Kirsten Gray, spokeswoman for the Texas Democratic Party, told Hair Balls.

TDP chairman Boyd Richie did put out a statement on yesterday's election results; somehow it didn't highlight the victory of the Obama impeacher.

The LaRouchies were a little more vocal on the subject: Their political blog highlighted the win.

Kesha ran an aggressive campaign calling for the impeachment of Obama, and the implementation of the LaRouche Plan for economic recovery. This undeniable landslide victory is a referendum for the immediate ouster of President Obama.
Rogers' website was also crowing:

The victory in the 22nd Congressional District yesterday by LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers sent an unmistakable message to the White House, and its British imperial controllers: Your days are numbered.

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