Tuesday, June 8, 2010

MORE THAN 2 LEAKS - To tell or not to tell?

On GLP there is a thread that discusses what many people already have been saying for days or weeks, but what was never really listened to or taken seriously: seeing more plumes of oil then only coming out of the BOP and the crater-pipe, they saw MULTIPLE leaks COMING OUT OF THE SEAFLOOR !


[quote from Poster 985089]

There have been a few others who have said they saw something similar...I've been trying to verify, but no dice...

I saw about 5 plumes...The first weekend they opened live feed there were a bunch of "eruptions" out of the "main leak" that they were showing of the pipe of the seafloor...

An eruption of oil over-ran the ROV and they tried to swing the camera around to find their bearings...When they did I could see 3 other ROVs behind this one and you could see 4 or 5 plumes around them....

They also showed 3 or 4 different holes as people have posted pics of...There were a bunch of us in a thread discussing it as it all happened and we saw it. It was documented here with some pics.. SOURCE

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