Monday, June 28, 2010

Ten 'Russian spies' arrested in US

Get this: Nine of the defendants were charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Emblem of the russian FSB, the successor of th...Image via Wikipedia
Ten people have been arrested in America for allegedly spying for Russia, the US justice department announced this evening.

Eight of 10 were detained yesterday for supposedly carrying out "long-term, deep cover assignments" in the United States on behalf of the Russian government. Two others were arrested for allegedly participating in the same Russian intelligence operation.

All of them were charged with conspiracy to act as an agent of a foreign government, which carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison on conviction.

The cases were filed in the US district court for the southern district of New York. Federal law prohibits individuals from acting as agents of foreign governments within the United States without notifying the US attorney general.

Nine of the defendants were charged with conspiracy to commit money laundering, which carries a maximum 20 years in prison on conviction. FBI agents arrested the defendants, two of whom were named as Richard Murphy and Cynthia Murphy from Monclair, New Jersey. They were appearing today in a federal court in Manhattan.

Three other defendants also were being taken to federal court in Manhattan Vicky Pelaez and a defendant known as "Juan Lazaro" who were arrested at their residence in Yonkers, New York, and Anna Chapman, who was arrested in Manhattan yesterday.


Also of interest is this related June 9 piece on

Immediately after the US invasion of Afghanistan in October, 2001, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) installed one of their main Afghan operatives, Hamid Karzai, as President, who then put into power his brother Ahmed Wali Karzai, who since then has increased heroin production to levels unseen in modern times and resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of Russian citizens.

Viktor Ivanov, the head of Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service, Russia’s National drug enforcement agency, told parliament in May that it was reasonable to “call the flow of Afghan opiates the second edition of opium wars.” Ivanov was referring to the 19th-century war between Britain and China sparked by exports of opium from British India to China.

Ivanov isn’t alone.

“I can name you a lot of politicians in Russia who said that the Americans specially arranged the situation in Afghanistan so that we would receive a lot of drugs, and this is the real aim of their occupation,” said Andrei Klimov, the deputy head of the foreign affairs committee in Russia’s lower house of parliament. “I’m not sure this is true, but who knows.”

One person who definitely knew it was true was German President Horst Koehler, who after returning from Afghanistan last month linked the war with the defense of German economic interests because it was securing free trade routes for the West and had nothing to do whatsoever with terrorism. For his “outspokenness” President Koehler was forced to resign plunging an already battered Chancellor Merkel into even greater political turmoil.

Most shocking to understand about the CIA’s being the World’s largest drug trafficker is that it isn’t even kept secret anymore and has been embraced by their new President, Barack Obama, who has used billions of dollars earned through Afghan heroin deals to fund his sending US Special Forces teams to over 75 different Nations as well as building for them a new $100 million headquarters base in Afghanistan while his own citizens plunge deeper into poverty.

Important to note though is that Obama is far from being the first American President to embrace the drug trade as nearly all of his predecessors were likewise involved in starting and maintaining wars to keep the billions earned from this most despicable of crimes preying on the weakest people in their society, mainly the poor and people of colour.

For those few reporters seeking to inform the American people about this crime the hard and brutal lesson learned from the late Gary Webb’s blacklisting and suiciding by US intelligence agents after his revealing the CIA’s involvement in the drug trade presents a chilling example of what these monsters will do to protect themselves and their right to poison anyone they so choose. More...

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