Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Greek GOVT threatens to sieze trucks from strikers: "Come and get it" they say

Athens RiotsImage by Sotiris Farmakidis via Flickr

The Greek government has used a rare emergency order to force lorry drivers back to work after a three-day strike. The drivers have until later on Thursday to return to the roads or face arrest and the loss of their licenses.

Most petrol stations in Athens are out of fuel and shops and factories are running low on supplies. The drivers oppose government plans to open the industry to more competition as part of austerity measures agreed with the IMF and the EU.

The reform is a key part of the multi-billion dollar EU-IMF package intended to pull Greece out of its debt crisis. Members of the drivers' union said they would not back down and dared the government to seize their lorries.

"Leonidas with his 300 warriors said 'Come and get it'. We say the same: come and get it," said one of the organisers of the strike, Spyros Kapetanios.

Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said the drivers would not be allowed to hold "Greek society hostage". More...

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