Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Watching the video feed BP provides just reeks of smoke and mirrors"

Smoke and Mirrors (Lifehouse album)Image via Wikipedia

An astute observer exercising independent thought at the "Life After the Oil Crash Forum" writes:

"I tend to think that Matt Simmons, the scientist and experts that "feed" him his information, and other un-related scientists are correct when they say that there are other leaks than the one shown by BP (and watched on this thread). Leaks found miles/kilometers away, in the broken sea floor. This spewing oil well is NOT the only source of the leak, and I think everyone's attention is being diverted in some way, or for some reason.

Even if it may be the only leak source, I just get this FEELING that this darn well-head that everyone seems to be focusing on is a distraction, much like...

Watching the DOW go up and down each day, talking about the stock market fluctuations, all as if THAT was the economy itself while Ignoring actual corporate profit reports, unemployment levels, values of steel and copper, credit default rates, etc...

Watching the price of a barrel of oil when worried about Peak Oil, instead of looking at oil production numbers, supply, demand, where the oil is coming from (countries unfriendly to the USA), or the quality of the oil (light, heavy?).

I feel like LATOCers (Life After the Oil Crash Forum) here are being duped, in a way.

Watching the video feed BP provides just reeks of... smoke and mirrors. It's a distraction from SOMETHING, don't you feel that way? Maybe from the true impact of oil hitting the beaches, or suffocating whale sharks... does this make sense?


In an ambush, some members of your team should be trained to cover the rear, or look the opposite direction of the incoming fire to protect the flank. If everyone reacts toward the initial burst of incoming fire, those who are ambushing you wipe you out from the sides and rear.

So, while everyone here stares at this big gushing oil leak and watches it for days at a time, I'm trying to check our rear and flanks for the enemy we don't see."

Another poster replies:

Here is proof of what you are saying....

Go to this link..

You will see a map with red dots. To your lower right there is a box for SPILL EXTENT with dates. Click on the box for May 22 and look up at the map. You will see a small oil patch forming above Cuba. Now continue up to the last top box.

Report yesterday..

If you simply go to the site and hit the top box, the 2 spills are not there. Pure deception.

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