Saturday, September 11, 2010

No economic growth for years to come

Roubini's problem is he can't shake off the notion of growth, in this case posing as "lackluster growth". And everything he says, and presumably thinks, falls in that light. Maybe he’s so happy to be invited and celebrated everywhere in the world as Dr. Doom that he doesn't want to take the risk of scaring his benefactors away. "Doom" thus comes to mean low growth, while flat-out contraction is off the agenda.

But how realistic is that? Even allowing for the fact that the GDP is "not a very accurate" way to measure growth, it's already "officially" at 1.6% and heading down short term (a correction to 1.2% is in the works). So what are the short to mid-term prospects? Well, 70% of GDP is the American consumer, so there's where to look. The 91-day trailing Growth Index of the Consumer Metrics Institute has gone all the way down to -5.79%, while official GDP remains at 1.6% for the moment. That’s a difference of 7.39% that will have to be explained away somehow. More...

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