Monday, May 14, 2012

Obama Pushes $35 Billion Stimulus Plan - Because The Last One Worked So Well

President Barack Obama delivers Your Weekly Ad...
Putting pressure on Congress to approve parts of his latest economic stimulus plan, President Obama urged Americans Saturday to push lawmakers to approve his multibillion-dollar “to-do list” for creating jobs. “Each of the ideas on this list will help create jobs and build a stronger economy right now,” Mr. Obama said in his weekly address.

“Let’s push Congress to do the right thing. Let’s keep moving this country forward together.” The president’s list includes an expanded program to help homeowners refinance their mortgages, a proposal to give small businesses tax breaks for hiring more workers, a program that would help veterans find jobs, and an extension of tax credits for clean-energy companies.

He lobbied for the refinancing plan Friday in a speech in Reno, Nev. – a state that ranks second in the nation in mortgage foreclosures. All told, the proposals on the president’s list could cost up to $34.7 billion: They are part of a more comprehensive $447 billion jobs package that Congress mostly has resisted. More...

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