Monday, November 14, 2011

A Den of Vipers and Thieves

ViperImage by Webbaliah via FlickrScott Johnson
For some, the upcoming dollar extinction event will be completely unexpected. For others, the coming days may be seen as the unraveling of the greatest silent oppression story humanity has ever had the displeasure of calling reality. Mislead by the deceitful words from generations of countless “professional politicians”, the lives of all Americans will be forever changed over the next two years, no person to be excluded.

We now live in a society where lies are presented as truth, military imperialism is justified in the name of humanitarianism, and more debt continues to be issued to “promote” economic health and stability. The long-run is not in focus, and short-term perspective is constantly subject to manipulation.

The staples of life, such as the food we eat, the water we drink, the education we receive, and the medical practices developed have all fallen victim to the hands of profiteer-ism, lacking respect for the well-being of the population, better known as crony capitalism.

America’s children have been taught to memorize, repeat, and to be entertained. We have been told that we are nothing without a college degree, in which many are forced to take out student loans in which opens the precedent to a life of debt. What sort of precedent is this setting our future up for? (Approaching one trillion dollars… larger than all credit card debt).

Our media has been hijacked, as responsible journalism has all but vanished from the mainstream arena. Many complain about specific networks or mediums, when in truth it matters not which different “race”of news one mentions, for they are all fed by the two dominant mainstream news sources, Reuters and Associated Press.

Our economy has been morphed from a goods producing private sector, into a government subsidized welfare state. The basis for what is left of the American economy depends on consuming cheap goods, many in which come from China and other openly oppressed nations. Regardless of this known fact, the American Public and the U.S. government adopt the “out of sight, out of mind” philosophy with respect to ethics and morality of the exploited labor. If this was truly the land of the free, why do we play benefactor to the exploitation of labor trade?

So it is no wonder why in these times, so many are confused, angry, and even frightened about what the future holds. For those who are opening up to the world, they are greeted by the many harsh unspoken realities in which this world is founded upon. And for those who remain unaware, the life they have known seems to be changing at an increasing rate. Both types of people are left asking why?

The answer is quite straightforward, yet elegantly complicated in its delicacies. To understand why all these illusions are converging upon the next several years, one must look at the common denominator among these large and complex lies, or the heart of the beast one may say, currency (money). More...
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  1. Thanks for the reference! I will be checking your blog out!
    Scott J

  2. Enjoyed your well-written, insightful article, Scott. This is just a knock around blog that serves mostly to warehouse key information.
