Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Third World War is Taking Shape

After reading Sose's report I can't help but wonder if Iran doesn't see the writing on the wall. The CIA has been successful in destabilizing Iran for an Israeli attack which is mutually beneficial to Israel and the U.S.

After all, the US invasion of Iraq was designed to neutralize Iran -- Iran was always the ultimate US/Israeli objective. But what became clear after reading this report is Russia's objective -- I see now that in the end Russia will betray Iran and share the spoils with the US and Israel.

Iran is weak and dependent on Russia's support against Iranian sanctions by the west as well as protection from the threat of a combined US/Israeli attack. From a geopolitical perspective, it seems logical for Russia to exploit Iran's weakness and ultimately double cross her. The Iranians must know they cannot trust Russia, but they really have no choice because of Iran's scathing world isolation. Iran's only faint hope for survival is China, and since the east/west flow of oil would be controlled by both Russia and the US, it's in China's interest to protect Iran's sovereignty. If and when Iran is defeated, alliances will form and a battle will ensue for control of what's left of the region.

The following report is by Keyser Soze:
Next Crisis


  1. This is sheer nonsense ! The REAL game is the US vs. Russia, China and Iran. The reason Iran is more than a nuisance for the US because it still very much influence in Iraq and that's the reason the US wants to get Iran destroyed. That would leave the shiites in Iraq "haging out to dry" and that would leave the US to be only power in Iraq.

  2. Your simplistic world view is myopic. While all world powers ultimately think only of their own specific advancement and hegemony over others, they form alliances along the way to achieve that end. It's a grand chess game with many players. I suggest you acquaint yourself with the history of war. Start with The Persian Wars, and The Battle of Thermopylae.

