Sunday, June 20, 2010

Even TEN relief wells will be unable to plug the hole

Rumors abound regarding the nature of subsea operations and the true status of the Deepwater Horizon oil gusher. I've long since dismissed most main stream media accounts as propaganda, and seek out information from web citizens for a clearer picture of the truth.

While most of us realize that not all reports made by citizens are entirely reputable, contrary to corporate-owned media who have historically served as stenographers for the power elite, in most cases, citizens have no vested interest in lying about events.

The compromised well casing has already been mentioned by main stream media. Bearing that in mind, here's a rather disturbing post by "Rob Kall" at "Life After The Oil Crash" forum.

By Rob Kall
June 17, 2010


Here's the latest report I just received from my contact inside BP:

Ok, here's the deal.

Size of reservoir - estimated by BP and its partner, Andarko to be between 2.5B and 10B bbl. (that's 100,000,000,000 gallons and 400,000,000,000 gallons.
Yes - all of those numbers are BILLIONS.

BP has admitted in at least 3 interviews that the well casing is compromised (broken). So, when they tried the Top Kill - and then the Junk Shot - the stuff shot out the sides and didn't go much down the hole. A REAL top kill should just take a few hours - or it's not going to ever work.

The casing was undoubtedly broken apart by the natural gas 'explosion' at the bottom of the well, which was the result of methane coming out of solution (ie. the methane hydrates melting and expanding dramatically). Much like when your washer's water line has air in it and you shut off the valve and the line 'hammers', the well 'hammered' when the BOP shut (the guess is 80%), and the dramatic upshot in pressure, as well as the acoustic shockwave, broke the casing.

The Question of the Day is: Did the explosion rupture the casing for its entire length?

If that is so, then a relief well will be unable to plug the hole. TEN relief wells would be unable to plug the hole.

The consensus seems to be, among oil people I've spoken with, that this is exactly the case.

If that's so, then the well will run until Obama nukes it. That is the only thing that could close it.

If they can't plug it via the relief wells, and if they don't nuke it (it can't be conventional explosives, for a few reasons), then about 1/2 of the oil and gas will run out. That would be 50 BILLION to 200 BILLION gallons of oil, over a 10 year period. Although, like the interest you pay on a house note, the biggest part would be up-front.

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