Tuesday, August 10, 2010

BP still using dispersants - whistleblowers receiving death threats

Kerry, Sixth Generation FishermanImage by Geoff Livingston via Flickr

Excerpt from Truthout:
Birren also told Truthout that fishermen she knows, who are speaking out against BP dispersant practices, "are getting death threats and notes on their cars saying you better watch out, because there are people above us who want to keep this quiet. But I know entire families who are sick because of the dispersants."

Birren does not believe the crisis is over and believes the Gulf and inland waters have been "prematurely re-opened to fishing."

She and the coalition of commercial fishermen she and Guidry are a part of are concerned about the credibility of Gulf Coast fishermen being damaged by contaminated seafood being delivered to the market. Birren also wrote, "As fisherman, we know that the use of dispersants has made this crisis vastly worse for everyone. It is time that government step up and protect us, our Gulf and the American public from further and possibly irreversible harm."

"It's now down to regular people like me trying to do what the government should be doing to take care of us," she told Truthout. "It's awful, it's really bad. If Obama is not going to be a strong enough president to protect us, we'll have to do it ourselves. We're on our own down here." More...

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