Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Reported unemployment data one of the biggest lies in the history of lies

The figure of 15 million unemployed reported by the government and regurgitated by the corporate media is one of the biggest lies in the history of lies. The real figure is 34 million and I will prove it using the government’s own data. I created the chart below from BLS data ( to prove that we are in the midst of a Greater Depression and no amount of spin by politicians and the media can wish it away. When we look at jobs in America across the decades, a picture of a country in decline, captured by financial elites, reveals itself. In 1970, America still produced goods, ran trade surpluses, and paid wages that allowed families to thrive with only one parent working. Only 34.6% of the population was employed, with a third of these workers producing goods. More...
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1 comment:

  1. It is weird that why the government contradicts from the reality. Perhaps as said one of the biggest lies in America's History.
