Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oil cleanup workers stay in banned formaldehyde-laden FEMA trailers

FEMA trailersImage by perfectsnap via Flickr

The FEMA trailers had such high levels of formaldehyde that the government banned them from ever being used for long-term housing again. But that hasn't stopped a contracting firm in Louisiana from selling the banned FEMA trailers to oil cleanup workers for housing.

“These are perfectly good trailers,” Ron Mason, owner of a disaster contracting firm, Alpha 1, said, adding that he has leased land in and around Venice for 40 more trailers that are being delivered from Texas in the coming weeks. “Look, you know that new car smell? Well, that’s formaldehyde, too. The stuff is in everything. It’s not a big deal.”

“It stunk to high heaven,” said Thomas J. Sparks, a logistics coordinator for the Marine Spill Response Corporation, as he stood in front of the FEMA trailer that was provided to him by a company working with his firm. Mr. Sparks said the fumes in the trailer from formaldehyde, a widely used chemical in building materials like particle board, were so strong that he had asked his employer to provide him with a non-FEMA trailer.

From msnbc News:
The trailers — which are being resold for $2,500 and up — started down their road to infamy after Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, when FEMA officials ordered nearly $2.7 billion worth of trailers and mobile homes to house victims of the storm.

Within months, some of these residents began complaining about breathing problems and burning eyes, noses and throats. One man who had complained about fumes was found dead in his trailer in June 2006.

Federal officials later discovered that formaldehyde — an industrial chemical that can cause nasal cancer, aggravates respiratory problems and may be linked to leukemia — was present in many of these housing units in amounts that exceeded federal limits. Scientists have since concluded that the high levels of formaldehyde found in the trailers probably resulted from cheap wood and poor ventilation. FEMA has produced other models and later batches of the trailers that do not have the health risks that the trailers built for Hurricane Katrina victims did.

But federal officials have struggled to figure out what to do with the contaminated trailers, which have cost nearly $130 million a year to store and maintain, according to federal records. As a result, the government decided to sell the trailers in 2006. The trailers have found a ready market in the gulf.

These trailers should have been destroyed.
Federal records indicate that of the hundreds of companies and individuals who have bought the trailers, dozens are in Louisiana. They include Henderson Auctions, which bought 23,636 units for $18 million, and Kite Brothers RV, which bought 6,511 mobile homes and travel trailers for $16 million.


  1. The formaldehyde issue is larger than FEMA trailers. A 'green,' Phase 1 CARB compliant, $3.5 Million home had 198 ppb formaldehyde w/front door & windows open, 24x365 forced fresh air ventilation system & A/C set @ 68.

    "LEED Certification - Where Energy Efficiency Collides with Human Health" 5/25/2010:
    "The rise in childhood asthma, beginning in the early 1980s, has paralleled an increase in energy efficiency of buildings, and data suggest that increased chemical exposure in indoor environments may be the reason. Greater insulation, less ventilation, and a huge increase in new chemicals and products, within new buildings, collectively induce chemical exposures and potential health effects never previously experienced in human history."

    California Air Resources Board's report 12/15/2009:
    "Nearly all homes(98%)had formaldehyde concentrations that exceeded guidelines for cancer and chronic irritation..."

    Unintended Consequences: Formaldehyde Exposures in Green Homes 2/2010 &
