Tuesday, July 21, 2009

After The Collapse Stores Will Accept Gold and Silver

A good friend of mine sent me this enlightening video regarding grocery stores accepting silver in California. Many financial analysts and bloggers have devoted hours of their time in endless deflation versus inflation debates -- as if it matters, either way ultimately hyperinflation will result; nevertheless, the devaluation of U.S. currency will occur and may be caused in a variety of ways: a bank holiday, collapse of the dollar, or an accepted basket of currencies replacing the dollar as the new world reserve currency.

Food will be more valuable than gold and silver in the beginning stages of the collapse where unorganized chaos will prevail. During a bank holiday, ATMs may be inoperable, and huge retail outlets like Walmart will only accept cash; their minimum wage cashiers wouldn't have a clue what to do with gold or silver coins. But in time, as this video demonstrates, major retail stores will employ trained gold and silver conversion technicians who will -- based on the daily price of gold and silver -- tabulate the value of your precious metal in exchange for goods and services.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Very cool. Thanks for posting this video.

    You might want to check out the free real time tracking widget that tracks the spot prices on silver and gold around the global markets. Lear Capital puts it out. It's even accessible on a web enabled cell phone. Check it out, it's called ExactPrice
